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After finishing high school I joined the US Army as a welder/auto body repair person. I learned all kinds of welding and shop procedures/tools. After 2 years of that, I reclassified to an Information Technology Specialist. I learned a great deal about computers and related technologies. I ended up in a help desk position (think of the TV show "The IT Crowd") and then ended my enlistment. I traveled to 11 different countries including a 1-year voluntary stay in Afghanistan. In the Army, I gained a tremendous amount of skills so I am a multi-passionate/skilled person.

Post enlistment, I joined a startup raw food/juice company as a brewer & fermentation specialist. I continued this path to Boulder, Colorado and joined another startup. I brewed beer and kombucha/beer hybrids. My daughter was born during this time and so I moved to Southern Oregon, where I reside and am now co-parenting with her mom.

Recently I acquired a 3D printer and have helped a friend with his laser cutting business.

I wish to co-create a traveling community of community builders. The OSE model is perfect for this and I wish to learn from and contribute to this fantastic growing body of work and knowledge.


  • Compelling. If you are interested in going open source, let's collaborate. -MJ