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My late father paid for my college education at what is now called Kennesaw Polytechnic State University at Marietta Georgia. In 1988 I earned my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology with a minor concentration in Engineering Mathematics. I began Seminary at Erskine Theological Seminary in 2003 and made 2 Bs and a C for the first two years - that is until 2005 when I realized that the official account of 9/11 was a treasonous lie. For the last few years I have been a signatory with Architechs and Engineers for 9/11 Truth [] I am deeply concerned about the impending collapse of our current fraudulent monetary system based on the PetroDollar that we have never had any real say in.

My maternal grandparents were farmers that lost the vast majority of their hundreds of acres of land during the great depression. Among the things that I learned in studing the original languages of the Bible is that the name GEORGIA is from the Greek word for Farmer - I hope to cultivate Industrial Hemp which is NOT Marijuana and my ultimate goal is to reinstate the Republic which means the RULE OF LAW.