User:Pbear+shag rug

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chronic homestead workshop taker. Grew up north of 49th parallel westside ( american side). Have come to realize the importance of searching for the essence of something or idea first. So i begin approach to ontics ontologically to attempt to understand the reason, direction and what drives the idea then onto function and operation and how it is interwoven with other beings human et al. #p2p- project to program initiatives, #social constructs - choose your own adventure style.

Existing hegemonic power structure transitioner. But until then I am a licenced electrician (red seal) and work as a shift electrician at a pulp mill. HAve the capacity for many crafts and trades. Dialed into start up and new systems stuff. Dialed into understanding of what computers might be however often stuck at how they have become.

well read and understood in post modern philosophies (#ontology #heideggar #deleuze #existentialism) and meta-modern psychological development #integral #Otto Laske #spiral_dynamics

Straight up Feminist!