Vault Workshop Registration 2009

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Vault Workshop Registration 2009

See blog post for details and email us at opensourceecology at gmail dot com with other relevant questions and issues.

Please fill out the following questionnaire and email to opensourceecology at gmail dot com in order to apply for the workshop. We will respond accordingly. You are required to sign a liability waiver, which is a release of liability. Payment instructions and waiver will be sent to candidates upon acceptance of applicant to the workshop. Payment in full and waiver must be received by August 22, 2009, either by mail or electronically.

1. Name

2. Contact Information (phone, email, Skype, etc.)

3. Please attach a picture of yourself

4. What is your preferred method of accommodation (camping, bed and breakfast, hotel)?

5. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

6. Do you have any physical ailments or medical conditions?

7. Do you have any psychological disorders?

8. What is your means of transportation to the workshop (for parking purposes and logistics)?

9. Do you agree to the Factor e Farm Rules of Conduct.

10. What are you interested in getting out of the workshop?

11. Are you interested in attending the whole workshop, first half, or second half?