Video Collaborators

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The following are the categories of people needed as Video Collaborators;

Producer/Directors - These are people that organize and lead a shoot. Sometimes they may also do the filming, but usually they are directing the film crew and conducting the interviews. They would have a clear understanding of the story and goals of the shoot. These folks would be very valuable if there's a build happening elsewhere and we need to get it documented without flying our people to the location.

Cameramen/Women - This, of course, is a very important category. When we have an important event happening it's great to be able to document with more than cell phones. Usually camera people will have their own camera and the quality will be much better than anything we can capture on a phone. A good documentary cameraman usually can also act as a producer/director and be able to understand the story in front of them and get the right shots and ask questions.

Editors - This is the other key category for us. The goal would to be able to post our "raw" footage online and have these remote editors build videos for scripts that we write. They can work on their "home" systems and the entire process can take place remotely.

Graphics People - These people are important for creating explanatory graphics and titles for the productions. They usually are skilled in programs like Photoshop and After Effects... or the open source equivalents.

Writers - This is another good category to fill. We could create outlines for scripts and then pass them along to writers who could turn them into scripts for the Editors to run with. This is important as we want to scale up to many videos at once.

Music - this is not as important, but if we have composers that want to contribute music, we can always use it. There are sources we can mine, but having "custom" music would be nice.

Assistant Editors/Video Librarians - these are people who are willing to help us log and organize the raw materials we shoot (and have shot in the past). They will log the footage and help organize our database/video library. It's important that they know a lot about the project, so their logs can have the necessary detail to make the footage useful for the future. For this point, we will work with OpenPhoto media repository as a strategic collaboration.

For instance... To log a shot "Man at podium" doesn't help much for search and re-use... better would be "President Kennedy at podium in White House" --- etc. etc.