Viral Scaling Strategy

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OSE aims to scale the OSE Campus or similar land-based facilities virally.

We are introducing a tight constraint on OSE development - viral scalability of modern autonomous communities via replication of OSE enterprises such as the OSE Campus. To attain such scalability - replication funding must come from bootstrapping generation of value, not from grants or foundations. Grants and foundations may accelerate progress on technique development, but by their elite nature - are extraneous to direct replication funding. Moreover, the participants in the Factor e Farm experiment must generate value directly, as opposed to indirect means of taking resources from project funds. As a social enterprise - an ethical project with growing social capital - resource generation may come from production, services, donations, or foundation. Internally, a combination of autonomy (low-cost overhead by local production of infrastructure necessities (food, energy, etc.)) or Neosubsistence may be combined with production for external markets. Production means selling critical infrastructure-building tools of the GVCS.

Factor e Farm is a nonprofit social enterprise with a Unique Value Proposition. We are interested in societal transformation by demonstrating that 30 people on 30 acres can create a complete modern economy down to semiconductor and metal production from indigenous feedstocks. This task is epic, and requires the hero model of development. This means people who are ethically motivated to the highest degree to live in a community as described in the above link.

We are developing a self-funding mechanism via technological excellence integrated with a tight social fabric of Intrinsic Motivation of Higher Purpose. That is a tall order. See my Personal Notes on Viral Scaling.