Xanthe Matychak

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Xanthe Matychak

Team Culturing Information

last updated: 6. May, 2011

WHO are you?

  • Name - Xanthe Matychak
  • Location (city, country) - Rochester, New York USA
  • Contact Information (email, phone, Skype) - xanthe dot matychak at gmail dot com

WHY are you motivated to support/develop this work?

  • Do you endorse open source culture?

I support open source, local economic development, and local food systems development

  • Why are you interested in collaborating with us?

bc I want to support the food system in my region and I have the intellectual and practical skills to add value to do it through this project

  • How do you think that the GVCS can address pressing world issues?

The GVCS is great for food independence for any region, of course, but I'm interested in long term applications of system like this to localized economic development in any sector - house building, clothes, etc. It's like instructables grew up and got a real job. Make sense?

  • What should happen so that you become more involved with the project?

Nothing at this point. I teach a class three times a year that I'm able to dedicate to exploring GVCS. Plus I have many connections to people in our local food system - farmers, educators, community leaders, distributors.

  • What are you missing in the project?

Not sure yet.

  • What are your suggestions for improvement of the project?

In addition to building as testing tools, I aim to examine and illustrate/articulate the cultural and economic significance of open source ecology to people engaged w local economic development.


  • List all of your skills in these areas: Communications - Organizational - Computer Support - Finances - Design - Natural Building - Electronics - Automation - Metallurgy - Engineering - Fabrication - Agriculture - Energy - Architecture - Video/Graphics/Art - PR/Marketing - Education - Construction - Industry - CNC - Chemistry - Product Design - Other

My background is in industrial design but I have students from business, engineering, computing, and design -- I have access to 20-somethings with a lot of different skills.

  • How have you already contributed to the project?

I have not.

HOW can you help?

  • How are you interested in contributing to the work of GVCS development?

Working on the project with my students and local food systems people and sharing what we learn.

  • Can you volunteer to work with us, and if so, how many hours per week?

not sure

  • Are you interested in working with us for pay? If so, what services can you offer, and what is your hourly or per-project rate?

not at this time

not at this time

  • Are you interested in purchasing equipment from us to help bootstrap development?

not at this time

  • Are you interested in bidding for consulting/design/prototyping work?


no. money is not what I have to offer at this point in my career.

  • Would you like to see yourself working with us on a full-time basis?

not sure

  • Are you interested in using the technologies that we are developing directly?


  • Are you interested in being part of the world's first, open source, resilient community? The GVCS is the preparatory step for the OSE Village Experiment - a 2 year, immersion experiment (2013-2014) for testing whether a real, thriving, modern-day prototype community of 200 people can be built on 200 acres using local resources and open access to information? We are looking for approximately 200 people to fill a diverse array of roles, according to the Social Contract that is being developed. This may be the boldest social experiment on earth - a pioneering community whose goal is to extend the index of possibilities regarding harmonious existence of humans, ecology, and technology - as a beacon of light to benefit of all people on Earth.

I'm more interested in working with the people in my own food system and sharing what I learn with you all. And I imagine that is a few years of work. That said, anything can happen.