Days 30-33
Founding Director Marcin Jakubowski had interns focus their efforts this week on preparing for both the MicroHouse workshop coming up at the end of this month and the Power Cube workshop taking place now.
Victor Macul, Emily Dixon, Stephen Whiting and Guillaume Coudray began overhauling the CEB Press final assembly slide show.
Devin Ward worked on designing a slurry mixer for the upcoming MicroHouse workshop, which Clair Sprenger started creating a SketchUp file for. They also searched the farm for materials to build it with.
The MicroHouse workshop will require OSE to press 10,000 bricks. To prepare for this, Brenna Fitzpatrick and Moriah Baltz tested soil composition around the farm and created a slide show from their findings.
At the Hab Lab, Stephen created promotional video for MicroHouse 3 workshop with Curtis Calkins and Moriah.
Curtis spent all week planning out the MicroHouse. In addition to finding an electrician, plumber and professional engineer to consult with, he also created guidelines for the septic system and made plans for the MicroHouse footing and stem wall.
On Monday Gabriel Elkind filmed the an interview with Marcin for Stephen’s video and put together a presentation on OSE’s digital infrastructure needs on Tuesday.
Aidan Williamson replaced a broken chain on LifeTrac 6 and worked with Devin to create a spooler for uncovering unrusted welding wire. He also taught the rest of the interns how to drive LifeTrac 4 on Wednesday.
Additionally, Aidan and Gabriel began testing the CNC Torch Table capacitive height sensor module that remote collaborator Paul Nee created. (Read Paul’s log for an in-depth explanation of how the module works, or search the terms used in the caption below on Wikipedia.)

Paul Nee’s capactive height sensor for the CNC Torch Table. This module, based on the Analog Devices AD7747, receives analog capacitance data and converts it to a 24bit digital value. This data is then sent to an Arduino ATMEGA2560 via an I2C bus.
Danny Kirk built and installed a door for one room in the Solar Cabin on top of his usual responsibilities as the hospitality manager. On top of that, Danny ordered a new oven last month which finally arrived Wednesday.
(Lots of home-made cookies, pizza and bread loaves have since materialized at the Hab Lab.) 🙂
The interns took Thursday off to rest up for the weekend’s Power Cube workshop. Velocar inventor Yann Lischetti, who will be running the MicroCar workshop August 1-3, also arrived that day.
This all sounds great! Where are the designs for MicroHouse 3 being logged or posted?