Days 6-8
The first week of OSE’s Extreme Summer of Design-Build ended last Friday with the completion of several projects and new plans for the coming week.
Last week Friday Marcin and the interns started their morning meeting by Skyping with Yann Lischetti‘s about his invention, the Open Source velocar. He explained how his invention works, issues he’s run into and what he still has to do to polish off his design and create a prototype.
Founding Director Marcin Jakubowski and the interns talked about plans for making the upcoming CEB Press workshop in Wisconsin run smoothly and added steps on how to embed manuals in modules’ Dozuki page into the Collaboration Ecology slideshow.
The interns then continued creating the instructional modules for each part of OSE’s CEB Press.
Emily Dixon, Stephen Whiting and x finished installing the raised garden beds that they started building on Tuesday and planted a few rows of crops, including spinach, cilantro and tomoatoes.

Emily Dixon (left) and x stand by as Marcin Jakubowski dumps soil into the raised garden beds using the OSE tractor, “LifeTrac.” Photo by Stephen Whiting
Juan Bennazar and Clair Sprenger finished bolting the steel they cut for Prototype 2 of the CNC Torch Table. Jeff Adams and Brenna Fitzpatrick continued installing the panelling and fixing wire on the Lasersaur Laser Cutter.
Sam Turner and Jason Shah disassembled a Power Cube. The next step will be building a more modular frame for the engine they took out of it. Chris Waters and Michael Pendergast documented how to assemble the CEB Press solenoid valve after cleaning it.
Chris Chou finished putting together a sildeshow on how to assemble the pool that the interns plan to build this week.
Anthony Douglas continued working with the first CNC Torch Table Prototype to resolve some glitches with its programming. Gabriel Elkind documented and assisted Anthony with testing the Torch Table, in addition to setting up another wireless network.
Weekend warriors
Inspired by their pizza-craving and the Hab Lab’s lack of a working oven, four interns—Emily, Jeff, x and Stephen—and Factor e Farm’s summer Hospitality Manager Danny Kirk built a cob oven in six hours on Sunday. Gabriel documented the project with a time lapse.

Left to right: Danny Kirk, X, Jeff Adams, Emily and Stephen Whiting pat down a layer of cob on what will become the floor of the Hab Lab’s new cob oven. Photo by Clair Sprenger

Finished cob oven after drying overnight. (Still not dry enough for pizza-baking though!) Photo by Clair
Using bricks pressed by the CEB Press and materials they dug up from around the farm, the interns based the design of their oven off of instructions they found online from the website for Dancing Rabbit, an ecovillage three hours from Factor a Farm in Rutledge, Mo.
Four interns said good bye on Saturday: Mike, Jason, Chris W. and Chris C., who plans on coming back for a few days later in the summer.
Two new interns arrived Sunday from Boston and Minneapolis, Greg Buckland and Moriah Baltc respectively. Greg plans to stay for two weeks and then come back at the end of July to stay through the end of August. Moriah plans to stay the whole summer.
You guys are doing it! Keep it up. I love following your progress from afar.