Status Brief
Hint: Outdated info. Current work is at State of Completion
The status brief describes the up-to-date status of GVCS 50 Projects, Infrastructure Buildout, Worldwide Collaboration, and Organizational aspects of the 2012 Rollout Plan.
See Crash_course_on_OSE for results until 2011.
Note: We are currently recruiting Product Managers and Product Director for development to scale. See latest blog post on Extreme Manufacturing.
- Power Cube - Beta Product Release, published in Civilization Starter Kit; design complete on Power Cube VI; Power Cube V delivered to Factor e Farm for testing. Lead Developer - Tom Griffing.Needs: Project Manager. Last Updated 4/11/2012
- CEB Press - Active Development. Beta Product Release, published in Civilization Starter Kit; Generation 3 Electronics controller tested by James Slade in Texas; upgraded machine being tested by Texas team; test code updated for Arduino Uno. Distributive Enterprise business model being developed, ETA June 1. Lead Developer - James Slade- 4/11/12
- Tractor - Active Development. Beta Product Release, published in Civilization Starter Kit; double chain couplers installed on wheels to handle torque of 15,000 Inch Pound Motor. Quick_Connect_Wheels#Axial_Load_Test_Data obtained and improvements are being made. Project Leader - Marcin. Needs - Project Manager. - 4/11/12
- Rototiller and Soil Pulverizer - First rototiller prototype. Eye candy video on soil pulverizer fabrication. Pulverizer used to munch large bales. Beta Product Release, published in Civilization Starter Kit. 4/11/12
- CNC Circuit Mill - Active Development. Prototype 1 complete and jog tested. See [[1]]. Prototype 2 and documentation in progress. Lead Developer: Yoonseo Kang Last Updated 4/10/12
- Ironworker - See Crash Course for Prototype I. Prototype II Build approximately 10 work days from completion - see [2]. Lead Developer: Brianna Kufa- 4/11/12
- CNC Torch Table - See Crash Course for Prototype I. Prototype 2 gantry delivered to FeF. Need to build base table and electronics/controls. Needs: Product Manager. - 4/5/12
- Sawmill - Prototype I build complete. Awaiting field testing at FeF. Needs: Product Manager. Last Updated 4/10/12
- Heat Exchanger - Prototype I built - see playlist. Needs: redesign with helical geometry for Gasifier Burner integration - [3] - 2/10/12
- Microtractor - Prototype I built. See Crash Course. - 2/10/12
- Modern Steam Engine - Prototype I Parts shipped to FeF for Hadden Engine. Looking for DPV on machining parts to completion. Bridgeport mills need to be set up and tooling purchased. on 3/15/12
- Open Source Automobile - Joe Justice recruited as collaborator. Needs: Product Manager for documentation and collaborating with WikiSpeed on Kickstarter campaign- 4/11/12
- Gasifier Burner - Prototype I Design complete - [[Gasifier_Burner_with_Heat_Exchanger_Prototype_I. Prototyping bid submitted by Larry Dobson. Needs: Product Manager. 3/1/12
- Backhoe - Design of Prototype I [completed at GrabCAD] - 3/15/12
- Multimachine - Simple lathe and heavy duty drill press components built; 2 industry standard Mills ($1200) and 1 Surface Grinder ($1800) secured from Detroit for study of Industry Standards. - 1/21/12.
- Bulldozer - Bulldozer Specification defined - 1/20/12
- Universal Power Supply - Induction Furnace Specification and Inverter Specification defined - 1/19/12
- Universal Rotor - String Trimmer, tree planting auger, honey extractor. Quick Attach Wheels being explored as basis for Universal Rotor - - 1/19/12
- Induction Furnace - James Gibson - power electronics, owner of an induction furnace systems business - promised to produce a 10-50kW base SCR-based induction furnace power supply design; is looking into securing a 20kW furnace for study of industry standards; making an introduction for a visit to another furnace refurbishing company in California. See Induction_Furnace_Power_Electronics_Design_Rationale_and_Specification. Status update: stalled, haven't heard back from James. Dallas Makerspace team took on research, parts sourcing and design phase - see ppt - [4] 5/12/12
- Cement Mixer - True Fan donation for prototype I industry standard design (still waiting). Last prototype on YouTube - [5] 4/11/12
- Solar Concentrator - See old work on solar concentrator Project Manager recruited - 4/8/12
- 50 kW Wind Turbine - $180k design bid received from professional design firm. - 4/10/12
- Loader - [ bar bucket early results].
- Well-Drilling Rig
- 3D Printer
- 3D Scanner
- Aluminum Extractor
- Bakery Oven
- Baler
- Bioplastic Extruder
- Chipper Hammermill
- Dairy Milker
- Electric Motor Generator
- Hay Cutter
- Hay Rake
- Hydraulic Motor
- Industrial Robot
- Laser Cutter
- Metal Roller
- Microcombine
- Nickel-Iron Battery
- Pelletizer
- Plasma Cutter
- Press Forge
- Rod and Wire Mill
- Seeder
- Spader
- Trencher
- Truck
- Welder
- Extreme Recruiting begun - 4/9/12
- Andrew Bateman joining FeF on 4/16/12
- Extreme Manufacturing platform begun. - 4/7/12
Global Collaboration
- Manuael Antonio Aguilar - Guatemala. TED Fellow and builder of a sustainable community in Guatemala. OSE USA developers are planning to help him set up a workshop and produce the tractor/CEB/Sawmill package for natural construction.
- Dan Schellenberg, Texas - currently collaborating on a Master Site Plan for Factor e Farm.
- CoHabitat Group - produced v0.5 of OSE Microhouse, 1/15/12
- Roland Sutton (SCORE Mentor) - Contract Manufacturing of Precision Machined Parts and Assys. Started and ran company for 50 years
Status: not contacted
- Donald O Collier (SCORE Mentor) - Tool and Die Maker White Motor Company Cleveland, Ohio
Status: not contacted
- Fred W Eaves (SCORE Mentor) - 39 years of electronic and electromechanical product design
Status: not contacted
- HabLab - Roof complete. Needs: base blocks so walls can start; need to move pallets to site. 1/18/12
- Open Source FabLab - Windows being finished so structure is airtight. Needs: CEB columns to be finished inside CE1/18/12
- OSE Microhouse - v0.5 plans from CoHabitat Group available in Civilization Starter Kit DVD online. Discussing construction details with Floyd Hagerman and Factor e Crew this week. Needs: details finished; integration with biogas generation and aquaponics, and closed loop flush toilet blackwater system. Last updated 1/18/12.
- Tooling Up - acquiring 2 mills, one lathe, surface grinder. 4400 lb battery ordered , 12.5kW of Stackable Inverters have been ordered. Ironworker Machine and CNC Torch Table prototype II forthcoming. Will procure hydraulic hose crimper. 1/20/12
Status + Target + Briefs
Feb. 29, 2012
The present status of the organization is reorganization towards scalable, parallel development capacity. We have run into the limits of scaling based on the lack of a well-defined structure. As founding director, I am personally buried with tasks ranging from prototyping, budget approval, communications, reporting, recruiting, design, facility maintenance, fundraising, and others - with little formal support for these tasks. We currently have a full time resource developer, and part-time assistance on recruiting. We are beginning to interview people for executive and developer roles, but after further consideration of scaling issues on a 5 year timescale, a need emerges to define the values -> principles -> practices -> platform. As an open source project, we are committed to radical organizational innovation. I am getting coached on organizational structure and recruiting. I am meeting with Team Wikispeed to move forward on an agile/lean/scrum method of scalable/rapid, open source product development.
Our target is developing a scalable, open source product development methodology. Value is generated from products and services: incubation of startup enterprise, production, and use case demonstration in the form of applying the GVCS to the building of an autochthonous, 200 person community that demonstrates a modern standard of living based wholly on local resources, at 2 hours of labor per day per participant.ion
There are 6 projects being developed currently via remote collaboration, and we will be collaborating with TechShop on prototyping machines.
Our near-term target (5 years) is the next trillion dollar enterprise - via distributive enterprise - or the numerous startups that we help incubate to produce essential goods for their communities. This is intended as a viable production mechanism for fundamental tools of modern technology- such as tractors, cars, circuit makers, bread ovens, renewable energy equipment, fabrication machinery - including the services that come from such tools - such as construction, organic farms, education systems, wind farms, flexible fabrication facilities, etc.
Prospective Team for July 1, 2012
Recruiting 20, full time Project Directors, Project Director, Factor e Farm Documenter, Executive Director, Factor e Farm Director (site planning, agriculture, infrastructures), Production Manager
Prospective Full Time Project Directors
- Khuong Dinh - Open Source Automobile
- Joe Justice - Open Source Truck
- Vann Miller - Solar Concentrator
- Simon Walter-Hansen - Gasifier Burner
- Add your name if interested and send resume to recruiting at opensourceecology dot org